Therapy Information
For many of us, the word psychotherapy conjures up a myriad of thoughts and pictures in our minds like, those we’ve seen in the movies for instance, someone lying on a couch with a knowledgeable expert saying intermittently “how does that make you feel?”. I say that light heartedly however, because it is one of the pictures I have had previously.
I include this section to alay the understandable fears that some may have about entering therapy.

What is Psychotherapy?
Psychotherapy is a process to facilitate emotional healing. There are many theoretical models that can be used by therapists, for example, psychoanalysis, gestalt, psychodynamic, person-centred therapy, reality therapy and Cognitive Behavioural Therapy to name just a few.
Whichever process your therapist chooses, it will be because they feel it will be the best choice for their Client’s particular need or, an approach they have experience in or which they believe is the most effective.
Many therapists today use an integrative approach which means they combine different theories and techniques to achieve the best outcome for a particular Client.
But, really, when one is struggling with aspects in life that are affecting their emotional wellbeing and impacting on everyday life, seeing a psychotherapist or counsellor will be a step to entering into a relationship with a person with whom you can be honest, someone you can “open up” to. Someone who will listen and not judge you and someone who can walk with you to make you become aware of your thinking, your hurts, your pain and how to overcome these.
The ideal outcome in my opinion is for the Client to become who they really are, to become aware of negative thought patterns in their lives that hinder them, and the tools and techniques to change them.
The outcome should be to heal and to grow.
Psychotherapists do not customarily do formal testing to provide a clinical diagnosis as would a psychologist or psychiatrist, (e.g., Autism, ADHD, OCD, Bipolar Spectrum Disorder etc.), but will be able to use therapy to manage these. The above professionals do use Psychotherapy or may refer patients/clients to a Psychotherapist.